The walk from the hostel to the beach is about 15minutes and goes through the town center. There are large glowing human statues and fountains in the town center. The lights continually change colors. This location quickly became a marker for me to figure out where I was when I was lost. With its central location, we ended up making this spot where we would meet up with people because none of us had a cell phone.
Drinking along the beach seems to be the thing to do around here. That's what we did the first few nights. A group of people from the hostel would always head out there around 10-11pm after stocking up at the next door liquor store. We were able to run into a group of American college kids, a group of singing dancing Irish girls and a creepy old guy that followed us around trying to bum cigarettes and talk to the girls in our group. We also witnessed several fights along the beach as well. All in all it was a good time.
There are clubs and bars all around Nice. I wanted to stay away from the touristy ones at first. The first bar we went to was an outdoorsy one. It was near the beach in the market area. Drinks were about 5€. It was a nice chill time sitting outside enjoying the weather. The second night I met up with some people from another hostel and we ended up going to a club called Bodeguita. The music was live and the band was pretty good. They played hits from all over the world. The drinks there were pretty expensive at 10€ a pop. However the atmosphere and the good music more than made up for it. Sadly we had to leave early because one of the girls got really sick.
The next couple of places I went to several times. One was called Flashback which attracted the girls with free glass of champaign. It was convenient in that it was next to the town center and easy to find and figure out where you were. The prices weren't too bad, but it was hit or miss there. The other venue was near the market close to where I went the first night. It was smaller dance club and completely operated by the owner. I say completely because he not only served behind the bar, but also DJ'ed and was running the gig.
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