Cadiz and San Sebastian were both described to me as really good beach towns and vacation destinations for the local Spaniards. Since I had already missed my opportunity to go to San Sebastian when I was up by Pamplona, I opt for the southern coast of Spain, Cadiz. Lauren from Croatia had described it as a really good relaxing atmosphere and I have to say that she was wrong. Upon arrival by train I find out that there is a festival going on and we have just arrived at the start of it.
There are people everywhere and all the hostels we look are booked. At this point we are almost ready to try sleeping on the beach, not a bad idea, but the hassle of police made us look a little harder. Finally by some chance of luck we are able to find a pension, like a hostel, but cheaper that had enough room for Tino, Rick, Dwayne, Kim and I. And luckily it is also the cheapest place in town.
The entire town seems to have having a sale and there is imitation stuff everywhere. The streets are really crowded and there is not much of a tourist scene here, as far as international tourists. We are all able to catch a free flamenco dancing show in one of the squares. I would describe it as a random display of tape dancing, body motions and clapping of the hands. It is quite a treat for being free. The main square area has a cathedral and during the evening when it is less crowded Tino and I just chill at the steps to catch the free wifi that’s available in the square. At night there are gardeners setting up a floral area in the middle of the square.
The beaches of the Cadiz are the highlights of the trip. The water is clear and refreshing. The tide changes quit dramatically between low and high tides. At night the tide is low and the water increases in depth really slowly. You can actually sprint 100m before you are waist deep in water. During the day the waters rise so fast that many of the sun worshippers have to frequently move farther up the beach to avoid the waves. The first night we head out to the beach and ended up doing some night swimming. We even got as far as the far buoy. All in all Cadiz was a really relaxing experience.
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