I arrive back to Geneva after a great time in Interlaken and head towards one of the only hostels in town. As I walk along the sidewalk pass the Ferrari dealership it starts to rain. I continue my pace. I know exactly where I am going and that shelter is just around the corner.
The rain subsides and I find a fellow traveler to explore Geneva with. We end up walking around the train station area and grab some kebab, since that is the cheapest thing around. The following day I get up early in the morning to check out the UN headquarters and also the Red Cross Museum.
Visitors to Geneva and most other Swiss cities pay a tourist tax. With this tax I receive a free public transportation card to use on the trams and buses. A Canuck and I take the tram all the way to the end to where the UN headquarters are located. There in the square of fountains where a giant three legged wood chairs stand. Around the corner is the entrance to the public tours.
The Red Cross museum is our first stop. The entire tour was quite short and one time through is probably enough for a lifetime. There were many interesting stories about acts of kindness and it was quite inspiring. I find that the entire city of Geneva has a mother like caring tendencies toward the world.
To enter the UN headquarters I had to have your passport. In addition I needed to get another mug shot and have a temporary id card made. Once I go through all the paperwork and metal detectors you are allowed on the campus, where I was instructed to go directly to the tour building. Once there, we are herded throughout the meeting rooms and discuss all the roles that the UN plays. The halls of all the buildings are lined with artworks and antiques from all the members.
It is Anh’s goodbye party since she will be moving back to Montreal for grad school. We all meet at the train station. This is typical of Geneva. The train station is usually the rendezvous point for many outings. Huynh and I met Anh and her family there. And we saw plenty of groups waiting around for people. After all of Anh’s friends show up, we head back towards the direction of my hostel and eat a Chinese restaurant. After eating one of the most expensive plates of duck, we all go out drinking at a local pub. The night ends pretty early since it is a weekday.
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