It is really chill scenes hear in Olympos. The entire setup is relaxing. There are elevated seating area platforms with pillows all around. It is really easy to lounge around all day. With a full service restaurant and service to your seat it was really easy to waste away entire days just relaxing. The second day of our stay Matt, Ennes, Casey and I decided to go conquer one of the peaks that overlook the Olympos road and ocean. And conquer we did, with exception for Matt who probably has more sense than the other three that continued.
The rocks were hard and held up under weight unlike the sandstone material we were use to climbing in Cappadocia. These rocks however were jaggedly sharp from the wear which on one hand created really good foot and hand grips, but on the other hand cut the crap out of your hands and boots. The climbing was challenging and fun. We ended up accidentally going down the wrong cliff and had to come down a rock quarry looking valley. I was glad I wore my boots this time around as we were pretty much rock surfing down the side of the mountain. With each step a good chuck of rock would slide down with us, enjoyable at first, it got really old. The trek up and down took the better part of a day but the view at the top was well worth it.
The rest of afternoon was spent on the beach relaxing, until someone decided it was a good idea to have a rock skipping contest. The beach here is like the one at Nice, France. Full of water polished round rocks. I think Casey, Ennes and I spent a lot more time than I would like to admit trying to see who could get more skips in a row. I think Ennes won with 13 or something like that.
[...] me of the time when Casey and I got stuck on a mountain and the only down was this rock quarry [link]. The rocks slide out from under you as you’re walking down. We were essentially skiing [...]