Today our host let us barrow his car. We (me, Nate, Gene, Patricio from Uruguay, and Luke from Calgary Canada) took a road trip to southern of Dublin. Patricio is like an Uruguayan version of Aaron Wang. As we drove around Dublin he was whistling and yelling at all the girls on streets. Pretty entertaining guy. As we got up the mountains and up to winding outskirts of town, we picked up a screw on the rear tire. We swapped out the spare and called Rory, our host. He told us since we were so far out already to go ahead and drive with it. We hit up a town called Glendaloch. We were trying to get to the national park, however we got sidetracked along the way and never made it. We did find a lot of picturesque scenery.
This afternoon two girls from North Carolina came into town. Being die hard Jayhawk fans, we obviously started talking shit on basketball. It's too bad that we are leaving tomorrow otherwise having some other people to watch the game with would have been fun.
We hit up the clubs the last night in Dublin. Luke, the canuck staying at the same place, came with us. The Dublin nightlife pick ups on Weds so it was pretty good. While walking around on the streets, there were a lot of college kids out dressed up, I guess it was a costume party somewhere. The funniest thing we saw was a group of people dressed up as Braveheart characters. A police officer took one of their beers and started to dump out the entire bottle right in front of the owner on the street. As the beer owner stood there in shock, the rest of his group walked by us and shouted "But they'll never take our FREEDOMMMM!"
We were originally going to a club called TwentyOne, but after talking to Batman, Robin, Batgirl and the Flash, we were told to go to club M or ViperRoom instead. We went to a pub for a few drinks before hitting up Club M. Inside Club M they played House mixed with HipHop. I thought I was dancing with Irish people, but it turned out there was a big group of college kids from UF (Florida Gators) and CU (Colorado) college kids.
thanks for the shoutout Wei....sounds like theres always one of me around somewhere lol