Our hostel here is top notch and upon our arrival we meet Jamie, a Hawaiian working at the hostel. She tells us that there will be a group dinner tonight and the sound of a home cooked meal sounded delicious. We walked around the town during the day and finally found spare fuses for my power adapter. That night several people from the hostel gathered for a chilli and nachos.
The next day we take a boat ride on Jacobite's Reflections Tour. The journey crosses the Caledonian Canal into Loch Ness and to Urquhart Castle. The main reason for this tour was Loch Ness. With our cameras ready we stayed on top of the tour boat ready to shoot. Unfortunately, Nessie did not make an appearance and to my disappointment it was not the promised ultimate magical Loch Ness experience. I have yet to examine all my photos. Perhaps a glimpse of the beast will be found in my many photos that I took.
That night we went on a pub crawl with the people at the hostel. Jamie the Hawaiian, Jamie number 2 the Aussie, John, and Tim, two Canadians, and a Brazilian whose name I forgot all went out. We started a pub where a live band played. It seems that there are more live bands in bar here in Europe than in the states. The bands kind of reminds me of the bar atmosphere in Austin, the live music capital of the US. We ended up going to a club where they had mechanical bull riding. We each took turns trying to set a record. I was only able to get 27sec before being thrown off. It was a good time.
Everyone knows Ole Nessy relocated to Clinton Lake. hehehe