The only thing I know about Budapest is that it was originally two cities, Buda and Pest. That was as far as I got in my Lonely Planet research that I did back in the states. So when looking at a map of Europe and selecting another location that would bring me closer to my ultimate destination of Croatia, I naturally remembered this city. From the hearsay of fellow travelers no one has complained about a bad time in Budapest, so I assume it to be safe bet for my next destination.
Since the city came into existence because of the merge of two previous cities, I got to thinking: why does Buda get to come first in the new name of Budapest? Why not call it Pestbuda? Isn't that a cooler name? I am not sure, but it sure is mysterious. I was able to formulate my own theories as to why this city's name came to be. Budapest is split down the middle by the Danube river. The town of Buda lies on the west bank and the Pest lies on the east bank. So naturally from a reading left to right perspective Buda comes first. Just think if we all read right to left, I would have visited Pestabuda.
Tired from our train ride and my ponderings of why a city is named a certain way, I decide to take a power nap in the afternoon. It wasn't long before my dreams of pristine beaches of Croatia were rudely interrupted by the loud ramblings of three French girls who pronounce croissant without the t at the end and say deja vu with the vu ever so slightly differently that they claim that I say it wrong.
As it turns out Gab, Marie, and Melissa (the Frenchies) are actually French Canadians. They have just arrived at Budapest as well. We are all tired from our travels so we decide to take it easy for the night and just grab a quick beer. The staff at the 11th hour hostel recommended a pub nearby that was suppose to be really good. I tag along with the girls and Mark decides to stay in for the night. The entrance to the pub looks like a bicycle shop as there are several bikes hanging in a room. In the front room there are red bull girls handing out free red bull vodkas with the typical European patented exactly measured shot dispensers. After grabbing our drinks we head into the bar and realize that this pub is huge. There are several floors a big patio area with a car in the middle. We head to the top floor and attempt to 'chill' there in the muggy hot weather.
The next day we all decided that we would get up and take a bike tour of Prague. When we got to the meeting spot, we discovered we were the only people in the tour. We walk over bike garage and pick out our bicycles. The entire time the sun is beating down on us. I believe it was in the upper 30's C which equates to the upper 90's F, with enough humidity float a boat. Our guide was cool and brought water for all of us during the stops. During the middle of the bike tour I ran into Nang, from Berlin, and we were able to chat real quick and arrange a meet up later.
I brought my DSLR trying to imitate
[daily dose of imagery]'s style of shooting while riding a bike. Apparently it takes a lot more practice and skill than what I have.
We cross the Széchenyi Chain Bridge and coincidentally it is Budapest's bridge festival. Basically this weekend there are tons of shops and venders on the bridge. Besides an overcrowded bridge and some performances on either side of the bridge I really don't know what the whole festival is about.
Another highlight of the tour is the castle. We bike up pebble switchbacks all the up to the Buda castle at the top. The view from the top of the castle is amazing and worth definitely worth the uphill peddle. Below is a picture of all us with our guide. The guy that took this was part of a Chinese tour group. He took about 5minutes to get the shot right.
By far the funnest part of the tour was going down hill from the castle at full speed on a winding road. At one point I felt like I should be putting a knee down during the turns. Then I remembered how bald my tires looked when I first got my bike.