Besides thermal pools Budapest also has a ton of cave systems running underneath the city. The staff at our hostel was able to recommend a caving tour that goes everyday. We all meet up at a metro station and took 2 buses over to the cave entrance. There, we are all given a hard hat with LED light and overalls.
The heat is intense, but as soon as we enter the cave the hot temperatures are not a problem. Our eyes adjust to the darkness and no visibility and the cool damp temperatures become cooler as we descend. Our guide explains each cavern that we enter shows us how certain formations resemble certain objects.
There is a tight squeeze that we are allowed to try. In order to fit through you must take off your hardhat. Basically there is hole on the bottom then it curves upwards and out. There is barely enough room to squeeze your shoulders through. I got stuck coming out where my entire body was out but my shins and down. My boots got stuck and all my weight was on my arms as I hung on to a ledge. Then all my weight shifted onto my shins and edge of the opening. I was finally able to get out when someone helped untangle my bulky boots that I was wearing.
While crawling, climbing, and stumbling through the cave passages we all get clay all over ourselves. Good thing that they provided us with overalls. There were roots hanging from the ceilings and sometimes water trickling down, making the rocky surfaces extremely slick. Overall it was a great experience.
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