Instead of taking a structured tour I decided to just get a tourist map, which has most of the touristy attractions mapped out. I basically made my own route from the hostel through as many points of interest as possible. I did this for about two days and I feel that I was able to see everything that was worth seeing.
The old city square has several interesting buildings. One of which is a old city hall building with an extravagant astronomical clock called the Orloj. Every hour there is animated show of the Apostle sculptures peering out of the window and crowds of tourist all gather to watch. The skeleton sculpture on the side rings the bells and the Apostles each take a turn looking out of the middle top window.
After the square, I walk towards the Vltava River which splits the city from east and west. I first take the Charles Bridge and on the way back taking the Manesvus Most. I would take take the southern-most bridge Most Legii on my second trek around town because it is closer to the Mala Strana, a structure looks like a smaller version of the Effel Tower.
Charles Bridge is a happening place. From most of my photos it will be apparent by the number of people walking on it. There are many stands along either side of the bridge where artists are showcasing and selling their work. From crafts to photography there is a wide variety of artwork. There is only pedestrian traffic, motor vehicles are not allowed. From the bridge there is beautiful view over the Vltava River as well as on and upwards towards the castle. Below there is much water activity as there boats of all sizes traveling along the water. A small hot air balloon rises up and down along my right side.
There is a castle at the top of the hill. It is massive and contains several building. One of them is a church. Pictures are much harder to take on top because everything is so close together. The inside of the church area is free and I was able to catch one of the last tours of it. I wandered around the Castle and found a different route down. I took a different bridge over and was able to get better views of the area.
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