I was really impressed with this zoo. There were a lot of viewing areas where you could get pretty close to the animals. There is a moat around the area and animals come pretty close to the viewers. The orangutans were out and one of them even posed for me.
The polar bear was out swimming along the edge of his enclosure. He would submerge and then jump out of the water towards the viewers.
The panda bear was sleeping the first time we walked by, then the second time he was eating a carrot. It was kind of strange to see a panda bear eating a carrot.
The aquarium section was really interesting to me. I used to have a planted freshwater setup back in school and I also had some dendrobates (dart frogs). Both of which were exhibited in the aquarium section. They had both salt and freshwater tanks but I was more impressed with the fresh as the salt was much better in Monaco.
This is an Arowana. It gets really big so I haven't had a chance to keep one yet.
Dendrobates Azureus
After we left the Zoo we got a currywurst for 2€ and headed back to the hostel.
5.12 earth quake destroyed most facilities at a panda research center in Sichuan, China. Consequently the survived pandas in that center were distributed to the zoos all over China.